Index of values

active_mask [Sdlevent]
add [Sdlevent]
Add events to the back of the event queue.
all_channels [Sdlmixer]
A special value for representing all channels (-1 actually).
all_events_mask [Sdlevent]
allocate_channels [Sdlmixer]
Dynamically change the number of channels managed by the mixer.

black [Sdlvideo]
blit_surface [Sdlvideo]
Performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.
blue [Sdlvideo]

cd_close [Sdlcdrom]
Closes the handle for the cdrom_drive
cd_eject [Sdlcdrom]
Eject CD-ROM
cd_info [Sdlcdrom]
cd_open [Sdlcdrom]
cd_open drive open a CD-ROM drive for access
cd_pause [Sdlcdrom]
Pause play
cd_play_track [Sdlcdrom]
Play the track n on the given cdrom_drive
cd_play_tracks [Sdlcdrom]
cd_play_tracks cdrom_drive start_track start_frame num_tracks num_frames play the given CD with these parameters
cd_resume [Sdlcdrom]
Resume play
cd_status [Sdlcdrom]
cd_stop [Sdlcdrom]
Stop play
char_of_key [Sdlkey]
Returns a (iso-8859-1) character corresponding to a key
close [Sdljoystick]
Close a joystick previously opened with Sdljoystick.open_joystick
close_audio [Sdlmixer]
Close the mixer, halting all playing audio
convert_to_cursor [Sdlmouse]
copy_rect [Sdlvideo]
create_RGB_surface [Sdlvideo]
Creates a RGB surface.
create_RGB_surface_format [Sdlvideo]
Creates a RGB surface with the same pixel format as the first parameter.
create_RGB_surface_from_16 [Sdlvideo]
create_RGB_surface_from_24 [Sdlvideo]
create_RGB_surface_from_32 [Sdlvideo]
create_RGB_surface_from_8 [Sdlvideo]
cursor_data [Sdlmouse]
converts an abstract cursor value to concrete cursor data
cursor_visible [Sdlmouse]
Tests if cursor is shown on screen
cyan [Sdlvideo]

default_group [Sdlmixer]
The group tag used to represent the group of all the channels.
delay [Sdltimer]
Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning
disable_events [Sdlevent]
Specified events are not collected and won't appear in the event queue.
disable_key_repeat [Sdlkey]
Disable keyboard repeat
display_format [Sdlvideo]
This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the pixel format and colors of the video framebuffer, suitable for fast blitting onto the display surface.
drive_name [Sdlcdrom]
drive_name drive returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the CD-ROM.
driver_name [Sdlvideo]

enable_events [Sdlevent]
Specified events are collected and added to the event queue (when pump is called).
enable_key_repeat [Sdlkey]
Enable keyboard repeat
enable_unicode [Sdlkey]
Enable unicode translation of keysyms for keyboard events
exit_event_loop [Sdlevent.Old]
expire_channel [Sdlmixer]
expire_channel channel ticks Change the expiration delay for a particular channel.

fadein_channel [Sdlmixer]
fadein_channel channel loops ticks chunck ms : same as play_channel but fades in a over ms seconds.
fadein_music [Sdlmixer]
fadein_music chunck loops music ms : fade in music over ms seconds, same semantics as the play_music function
fadeout_channel [Sdlmixer]
fadeout_channel channel ticks Halt a channel, fading it out progressively till it's silent The ms parameter indicates the number of seconds the fading will take.
fadeout_group [Sdlmixer]
fadeout_group group ticks Halt a group of channel, fading it out progressively till it's silent The ms parameter indicates the number of seconds the fading will take.
fadeout_music [Sdlmixer]
fadeout_music ticks Halt the music, fading it out progressively till it's silent.
fading_channel [Sdlmixer]
Query the fading status of a channel
fading_music [Sdlmixer]
Query the fading status of a music
family_name [Sdlttf]
fill_rect [Sdlvideo]
performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with 'color'
flip [Sdlvideo]
Swaps screen buffers.
font_ascent [Sdlttf]
font_descent [Sdlttf]
font_faces [Sdlttf]
Get the number of faces of the font
font_height [Sdlttf]
font_lineskip [Sdlttf]
Get the recommended spacing between lines of text for this font
frames_of_msf [Sdlcdrom]
free_chunk [Sdlmixer]
Free an audio chunk previously loaded
free_cursor [Sdlmouse]
Deallocates a cursor.
free_music [Sdlmixer]
Free music previously loaded

get [Sdlevent]
Checks the event queue for messages : up to 'numevents' events at the front of the event queue, matching 'mask', will be returned and will be removed from the queue.
get_RGB [Sdlvideo]
Maps a pixel value into the RGB components for a given pixel format
get_RGBA [Sdlvideo]
Maps a pixel value into the RGBA components for a given pixel format *
get_alpha [Sdlvideo]
get_app_state [Sdlevent]
This function returns the current state of the application.
get_attr [Sdlgl]
get_axis [Sdljoystick]
get_ball [Sdljoystick]
get_button [Sdljoystick]
get_caption [Sdlwm]
Gets the title and icon text of the display window
get_clip_rect [Sdlvideo]
get_color_key [Sdlvideo]
get_cursor [Sdlmouse]
Returns the currently active cursor.
get_enabled_events [Sdlevent]
The mask of currently reported events.
get_event_state [Sdljoystick]
get_font_style [Sdlttf]
Retrieve the font style : either NORMAL or a combination of BOLD, ITALIC and UNDERLINE
get_hat [Sdljoystick]
get_key_state [Sdlkey]
Get a snapshot of the current state of the keyboard.
get_mod_state [Sdlkey]
Get the current key modifier state
get_num_drives [Sdlcdrom]
get_num_drives returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system
get_palette_color [Sdlvideo]
Retrieve a color by its index in a surface's palette
get_pixel [Sdlvideo]
get_pixel_color [Sdlvideo]
Access an individual pixel on a surface and returns is as a color.
get_state [Sdlevent]
Query the reporting state of an event type.
get_state [Sdlmouse]
Retrieve the current state of the mouse : current mouse position and list of pressed buttons
get_ticks [Sdltimer]
Get the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialization.
get_video_info [Sdlvideo]
get_video_info_format [Sdlvideo]
get_video_surface [Sdlvideo]
getenv [Sdl]
glyph_metrics [Sdlttf]
grab_input [Sdlwm]
Set the input grab state of the application.
green [Sdlvideo]
group_available [Sdlmixer]
Finds the first available channel in a group of channels
group_channel [Sdlmixer]
Attach a group tag to a channel.
group_channels [Sdlmixer]
Same as above but for a range of channels.
group_count [Sdlmixer]
Returns the number of channels in a group.
group_newer [Sdlmixer]
Finds the "most recent" (i.e.
group_oldest [Sdlmixer]
Finds the "oldest" sample playing in a group of channels

halt_channel [Sdlmixer]
halt_group [Sdlmixer]
halt_music [Sdlmixer]
has_event [Sdlevent]
Poll for currently pending events and return false if the queue is empty.
hat_centered [Sdljoystick]
hat_down [Sdljoystick]
hat_left [Sdljoystick]
hat_leftdown [Sdljoystick]
hat_leftup [Sdljoystick]
hat_right [Sdljoystick]
hat_rightdown [Sdljoystick]
hat_rightup [Sdljoystick]
hat_up [Sdljoystick]

iconify [Sdlwm]
This function iconifies the window, and returns true if it succeeded.
index [Sdljoystick]
Get the device index of an opened joystick
init [Sdlttf]
Initialise SDL_tff and freetype
init [Sdl]
Initialize the SDL library.
init_subsystem [Sdl]
int_of_key [Sdlkey]
get the SDL keysym of the key
is_fixed_width [Sdlttf]
is_key_pressed [Sdlkey]
Checks wether a key is currently pressed on the keyboard.

joyaxismotion_mask [Sdlevent]
joyballmotion_mask [Sdlevent]
joybuttondown_mask [Sdlevent]
joybuttonup_mask [Sdlevent]
joyhatmotion_mask [Sdlevent]
joystick_event_mask [Sdlevent]

key_of_int [Sdlkey]
get the key corresponding to a SDL keysym
keyboard_event_mask [Sdlevent]
keydown_mask [Sdlevent]
keyup_mask [Sdlevent]
kmod_alt [Sdlkey]
kmod_caps [Sdlkey]
kmod_ctrl [Sdlkey]
kmod_lalt [Sdlkey]
kmod_lctrl [Sdlkey]
kmod_lmeta [Sdlkey]
kmod_lshift [Sdlkey]
kmod_meta [Sdlkey]
kmod_mode [Sdlkey]
kmod_none [Sdlkey]
kmod_num [Sdlkey]
kmod_ralt [Sdlkey]
kmod_rctrl [Sdlkey]
kmod_rmeta [Sdlkey]
kmod_rshift [Sdlkey]
kmod_shift [Sdlkey]

list_modes [Sdlvideo]
loadWAV [Sdlmixer]
Load a wave file
loadWAV_from_mem [Sdlmixer]
load_BMP [Sdlvideo]
Loads a surface from a named Windows BMP file.
load_BMP_from_mem [Sdlvideo]
Loads a BMP image from a memory buffer.
load_image [Sdlloader]
load an image as a surface
load_image_from_mem [Sdlloader]
load_music [Sdlmixer]
Load a music file (.mod .s3m .it .xm .ogg)
load_string [Sdlmixer]
Load a wave file of the mixer format from a memory buffer
lock [Sdlvideo]
Sets up a surface for directly accessing the pixels.

magenta [Sdlvideo]
make_cursor [Sdlmouse]
Create a cursor using the specified data and mask (in MSB format).
make_mask [Sdlevent]
map_RGB [Sdlvideo]
Maps an RGB triple or an RGBA quadruple to a pixel value for a given pixel format
max_code [Sdlkey]
highest SDL keysym : should be 322
mouse_event_mask [Sdlevent]
mousebuttondown_mask [Sdlevent]
mousebuttonup_mask [Sdlevent]
mousemotion_mask [Sdlevent]
msf_of_frames [Sdlcdrom]
music_type [Sdlmixer]
Find out the music format of a mixer music, or the currently playing music, if parameter is None.
must_lock [Sdlvideo]

name [Sdlkey]
name [Sdljoystick]
Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick.
num_axes [Sdljoystick]
Get the number of general axis controls on a joystick
num_balls [Sdljoystick]
Get the number of trackballs on a joystick Joystick trackballs have only relative motion events associated with them and their state cannot be polled.
num_buttons [Sdljoystick]
Get the number of buttons on a joystick
num_channels [Sdlmixer]
num_hats [Sdljoystick]
Get the number of POV hats on a joystick
num_joysticks [Sdljoystick]
Count the number of joysticks attached to the system
num_keys [Sdlkey]
number of keys in the Sdlkey.t variant type : should be 232
num_paused_channel [Sdlmixer]
num_playing_channel [Sdlmixer]

of_mask [Sdlevent]
open_audio [Sdlmixer]
open_audio frequency format chunksize channels () opens the mixer with a certain audio format.
open_font [Sdlttf]
open a font file and create a font of the specified point size
open_joystick [Sdljoystick]
Open a joystick for use - the index passed as an argument refers to the N'th joystick on the system.
opened [Sdljoystick]

palette_ncolors [Sdlvideo]
Number of colors in the surface's palette
pause_channel [Sdlmixer]
pause_music [Sdlmixer]
paused_channel [Sdlmixer]
paused_music [Sdlmixer]
peek [Sdlevent]
Checks the event queue for messages : up to 'numevents' events at the front of the event queue, matching 'mask', will be returned and will not be removed from the queue.
pixel_data [Sdlvideo]
pixel_data_16 [Sdlvideo]
pixel_data_24 [Sdlvideo]
pixel_data_32 [Sdlvideo]
pixel_data_8 [Sdlvideo]
play_channel [Sdlmixer]
play_channel channel loops ticks chunk Play an audio chunk.
play_music [Sdlmixer]
Play a music chunk.
play_sound [Sdlmixer]
Play an audio chunk.
playing_channel [Sdlmixer]
playing_music [Sdlmixer]
poll [Sdlevent]
Poll for currently pending events and return one if available.
pprint_cursor [Sdlmouse]
for debugging : prints on stdout
pump [Sdlevent]
Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
put_pixel [Sdlvideo]
put_pixel_color [Sdlvideo]
Sets an individual pixel on a surface.
putenv [Sdl]

query_grab [Sdlwm]
query_specs [Sdlmixer]
Find out what the actual audio device parameters are.
query_unicode [Sdlkey]
quit [Sdlttf]
Quits the system
quit [Sdl]
quit shuts down all SDL subsystems and frees the resources allocated to them.
quit_mask [Sdlevent]
quit_subsystem [Sdl]

read_XPM_from_array [Sdlloader]
creates a surface from an array of strings (in the source code)
rect [Sdlvideo]
red [Sdlvideo]
render_glyph [Sdlttf]
render_glyph_blended [Sdlttf]
render_glyph_shaded [Sdlttf]
render_glyph_solid [Sdlttf]
render_text [Sdlttf]
render_text_blended [Sdlttf]
render_text_shaded [Sdlttf]
render_text_solid [Sdlttf]
reserve_channels [Sdlmixer]
Reserve the first channels (0 -> n-1) for the application, i.e.
resume_channel [Sdlmixer]
resume_music [Sdlmixer]
rewind_music [Sdlmixer]

save_BMP [Sdlvideo]
Saves the surface as a Windows BMP file named file.
set_alpha [Sdlvideo]
sets the alpha value for the entire surface, as opposed to using the alpha component of each pixel.
set_attr [Sdlgl]
set_caption [Sdlwm]
Sets the title and icon text of the display window
set_clip_rect [Sdlvideo]
Sets the clipping rectangle for the destination surface in a blit.
set_color_key [Sdlvideo]
Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface.
set_cursor [Sdlmouse]
Set the currently active cursor to the specified one.
set_event_state [Sdljoystick]
set_font_style [Sdlttf]
set_gamma [Sdlvideo]
Set the gamma correction for each of the color channels.
set_icon [Sdlwm]
Sets the icon for the display window.
set_idle_event_func [Sdlevent.Old]
set_keyboard_event_func [Sdlevent.Old]
set_mod_state [Sdlkey]
Set the current key modifier state This does not change the keyboard state, only the key modifier flags.
set_mouse_event_func [Sdlevent.Old]
set_mousemotion_event_func [Sdlevent.Old]
set_music_cmd [Sdlmixer]
Stop music and set external music playback command
set_palette [Sdlvideo]
Sets a portion of the palette for a given 8-bit surface.
set_resize_event_func [Sdlevent.Old]
set_state [Sdlevent]
Set the reporting state of one individual event type.
set_video_mode [Sdlvideo]
Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
setvolume_channel [Sdlmixer]
Sets the volume for specified channel or chunk.
setvolume_chunk [Sdlmixer]
setvolume_music [Sdlmixer]
show_cursor [Sdlmouse]
Toggle cursor display
size_text [Sdlttf]
Get the dimensions of a rendered string of text
start_event_loop [Sdlevent.Old]
string_of_event [Sdlevent]
Returns a short string descriptive of the event type, for debugging
string_of_version [Sdl]
style_name [Sdlttf]
surface_bpp [Sdlvideo]
surface_dims [Sdlvideo]
surface_flags [Sdlvideo]
surface_format [Sdlvideo]
surface_info [Sdlvideo]
swap_buffers [Sdlgl]
syswmevent_mask [Sdlevent]

to_raw [Sdlgl]
toggle_fullscreen [Sdlwm]
Toggle fullscreen mode without changing the contents of the screen.

unlock [Sdlvideo]
Releases the lock on the given surface
unset_alpha [Sdlvideo]
unset_clip_rect [Sdlvideo]
disable clipping for the given surface
unset_color_key [Sdlvideo]
unset_music_cmd [Sdlmixer]
Turn off using an external command for music, returning to the internal music playing functionality
update [Sdljoystick]
Update the current state of the open joysticks.
update_rect [Sdlvideo]
update_rects [Sdlvideo]
Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
use_palette [Sdlvideo]
userevent_mask [Sdlevent]

version [Sdlmixer]
Get the version of the dynamically linked SDL_mixer library
version [Sdl]
version of the SDL library
video_mode_ok [Sdlvideo]
Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.
videoexpose_mask [Sdlevent]
videoresize_mask [Sdlevent]
volume_channel [Sdlmixer]
Returns the original volume of a specific channel, chunk or music
volume_chunk [Sdlmixer]
volume_music [Sdlmixer]

wait [Sdlevent]
Wait indefinitely for the next available event but leave it in the queue.
wait_event [Sdlevent]
Wait indefinitely for the next available event and return it.
warp [Sdlmouse]
Set the position of the mouse cursor (generates a mouse motion event)
was_init [Sdl]
white [Sdlvideo]

yellow [Sdlvideo]