Module Sdlcdrom

module Sdlcdrom: sig .. end
This module provides CD-ROM handling

exception SDLcdrom_exception of string
Exception used to report errors
exception Trayempty
Exception to report that thre's no cd in the drive


type cdrom_drive 
abstract type for handling cdrom

type cdrom_drive_status =
| CD_TRAYEMPTY (*cdrom drive is empty*)
| CD_STOPPED (*cdrom drive is stopped*)
| CD_PLAYING (*cdrom drive is playing*)
| CD_PAUSED (*cdrom drive is paused*)
enumeration of different status cdrom drive

type track_type =
| TRACK_AUDIO (*audio track type*)
| TRACK_DATA (*data track type*)
the types of CD-ROM track possible

type track = {
   id : int;
   kind : track_type;
   length : int;
   offset : int;
type cdrom_info = {
   num_tracks : int;
   curr_track : int;
   curr_frame : int;
   tracks : track array;

General API

An SDLcdrom_exception is raised on errors
val get_num_drives : unit -> int
get_num_drives returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system
val drive_name : int -> string
drive_name drive returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the CD-ROM. drive is the index of the drive. Drive indices start to 0 and end at get_num_drives()-1.

CD-ROM drive handling

val cd_open : int -> cdrom_drive
cd_open drive open a CD-ROM drive for access
val cd_close : cdrom_drive -> unit
Closes the handle for the cdrom_drive
val cd_status : cdrom_drive -> cdrom_drive_status
Returns the current status of the given drive.
val cd_info : cdrom_drive -> cdrom_info
Raises Trayempty if there's no cd in the drive
Returns the table of contents of the CD and current play position

Playing audio tracks

val msf_of_frames : int -> int * int * int
val frames_of_msf : int * int * int -> int
val cd_play_tracks : cdrom_drive ->
start_track:int ->
start_frame:int -> num_tracks:int -> num_frames:int -> unit
cd_play_tracks cdrom_drive start_track start_frame num_tracks num_frames play the given CD with these parameters
Raises Trayempty if there's no cd in the drive

start_track : the starting track
start_frame : the starting frame
num_tracks : the number of tracks to play
num_frames : the number of frames to play
val cd_play_track : cdrom_drive -> track -> unit
Play the track n on the given cdrom_drive
val cd_pause : cdrom_drive -> unit
Pause play
val cd_resume : cdrom_drive -> unit
Resume play
val cd_stop : cdrom_drive -> unit
Stop play
val cd_eject : cdrom_drive -> unit
Eject CD-ROM