Module Sdlevent

module Sdlevent: sig .. end
SDL event handling

exception Event_exn of string
The exception used for reporting events-related errors.

Application focus

type active_state =
| MOUSEFOCUS (*The app has mouse coverage*)
| INPUTFOCUS (*The app has input focus*)
| APPACTIVE (*The application is active*)
The available application states
val get_app_state : unit -> active_state list
This function returns the current state of the application. If ACTIVE is set, then the user is able to see your application, otherwise it has been iconified or disabled.

Events datatypes

type active_event = {
   gain : bool; (*Whether given states were gained or lost*)
   ae_state : active_state list; (*A list of the focus states*)
Application visibility event record

type switch_state =

type keyboard_event = {
   ke_which : int; (*The keyboard device index*)
   ke_state : switch_state; (*PRESSED or RELEASED*)
   keysym : Sdlkey.t; (*SDL virtual keysym*)
   keymod : Sdlkey.mod_state; (*current key modifiers*)
   keycode : char; (*translated character*)
Keyboard event record

type mousemotion_event = {
   mme_which : int; (*The mouse device index*)
   mme_state : Sdlmouse.button list; (*The current button state*)
   mme_x : int; (*The X/Y coordinates of the mouse*)
   mme_y : int;
   mme_xrel : int; (*The relative motion in the X direction*)
   mme_yrel : int; (*The relative motion in the Y direction*)
Mouse motion event record

type mousebutton_event = {
   mbe_which : int; (*The mouse device index*)
   mbe_button : Sdlmouse.button; (*The mouse button index*)
   mbe_state : switch_state; (*PRESSED or RELEASED*)
   mbe_x : int; (*The X/Y coordinates of the mouse at press time*)
   mbe_y : int;
Mouse button event record

type joyaxis_event = {
   jae_which : int; (*The joystick device index*)
   jae_axis : int; (*The joystick axis index*)
   jae_value : int; (*The axis value (range: -32768 to 32767)*)
Joystick axis motion event record

type joyball_event = {
   jle_which : int; (*The joystick device index*)
   jle_ball : int; (*The joystick trackball index*)
   jle_xrel : int; (*The relative motion in the X direction*)
   jle_yrel : int; (*The relative motion in the Y direction*)
Joystick axis motion event record

type joyhat_event = {
   jhe_which : int; (*The joystick device index*)
   jhe_hat : int; (*The joystick hat index*)
   jhe_value : int; (*The hat position value:
                          8   1   2
                          7   0   3
                          6   5   4
Note that zero means the POV is centered.
Joystick hat position change event record

type joybutton_event = {
   jbe_which : int; (*The joystick device index*)
   jbe_button : int; (*The joystick button index*)
   jbe_state : switch_state; (*PRESSED or RELEASED*)
Joystick button event record

type event =
| ACTIVE of active_event (*Application loses/gains visibility*)
| KEYDOWN of keyboard_event (*Keys pressed*)
| KEYUP of keyboard_event (*Keys released*)
| MOUSEMOTION of mousemotion_event (*Mouse moved*)
| MOUSEBUTTONDOWN of mousebutton_event (*Mouse button pressed*)
| MOUSEBUTTONUP of mousebutton_event (*Mouse button released*)
| JOYAXISMOTION of joyaxis_event (*Joystick axis motion*)
| JOYBALLMOTION of joyball_event (*Joystick trackball motion*)
| JOYHATMOTION of joyhat_event (*Joystick hat position change*)
| JOYBUTTONDOWN of joybutton_event (*Joystick button pressed*)
| JOYBUTTONUP of joybutton_event (*Joystick button released*)
| QUIT (*User-requested quit*)
| SYSWM (*System specific event*)
| VIDEORESIZE of int * int (*User resized video mode*)
| VIDEOEXPOSE (*Screen needs to be redrawn*)
| USER of int (*for your use !*)
The main event type
val string_of_event : event -> string
Returns a short string descriptive of the event type, for debugging

Event masks

type event_mask = int 

Event masks values are ints and should be manipulated with lor, land, etc.
val active_mask : event_mask
val keydown_mask : event_mask
val keyup_mask : event_mask
val mousemotion_mask : event_mask
val mousebuttondown_mask : event_mask
val mousebuttonup_mask : event_mask
val joyaxismotion_mask : event_mask
val joyballmotion_mask : event_mask
val joyhatmotion_mask : event_mask
val joybuttondown_mask : event_mask
val joybuttonup_mask : event_mask
val quit_mask : event_mask
val syswmevent_mask : event_mask
val videoresize_mask : event_mask
val videoexpose_mask : event_mask
val userevent_mask : event_mask
val keyboard_event_mask : event_mask
val mouse_event_mask : event_mask
val joystick_event_mask : event_mask
val all_events_mask : event_mask

type event_kind =
val make_mask : event_kind list -> event_mask
val of_mask : event_mask -> event_kind list

Enabling/Disabling event collecting

val enable_events : event_mask -> unit
Specified events are collected and added to the event queue (when pump is called).
val disable_events : event_mask -> unit
Specified events are not collected and won't appear in the event queue.
val get_enabled_events : unit -> event_mask
The mask of currently reported events.
val get_state : event_kind -> bool
Query the reporting state of an event type.
val set_state : bool -> event_kind -> unit
Set the reporting state of one individual event type.

Handling events

val pump : unit -> unit
Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices. This function updates the event queue and internal input device state. This should only be run in the thread that sets the video mode.
val wait_event : unit -> event
Wait indefinitely for the next available event and return it.
val wait : unit -> unit
Wait indefinitely for the next available event but leave it in the queue.
val poll : unit -> event option
Poll for currently pending events and return one if available.
val has_event : unit -> bool
Poll for currently pending events and return false if the queue is empty.
val peek : ?mask:event_mask -> int -> event list
Checks the event queue for messages : up to 'numevents' events at the front of the event queue, matching 'mask', will be returned and will not be removed from the queue.
val get : ?mask:event_mask -> int -> event list
Checks the event queue for messages : up to 'numevents' events at the front of the event queue, matching 'mask', will be returned and will be removed from the queue.
val add : event list -> unit
Add events to the back of the event queue.

Old event-handling interface

module Old: sig .. end
Callback-based event handling.